Scopus Search Guide
SCOPUS Search API supports a Boolean syntax, which is a type of search allowing users to combine keywords with operators such as AND, NOT and OR to further produce more relevant results. For example, a Boolean search could be "heart" AND "brain". This would limit the search results to only those documents containing the two keywords.
The Boolean search is submitted through the query string parameter query. As with all other query string parameters, the contents of the submitted search must be URL-encoded. It should be noted that the + character serves a special purpose as a query string value, functioning as an equivalent to the space character (i.e. %20). In order to submit a literal character + it must be properly URL-encoded (i.e. %2B).
This search... |
must be URL-encoded as: |
KEY(mouse AND NOT cat OR dog) |
KEY%28mouse+AND+NOT+cat+OR+dog%29 |
KEY(cat AND dog AND NOT rodent OR mouse) |
KEY%28cat+AND+dog+AND+NOT+rodent+OR+mouse%29 |
DOI("10.1021/es052595+") |
DOI%28%2210.1021%2Fes052595%2B%22%29 |
You can use Boolean operators (AND, OR, AND NOT) in your search. If you use more than one operator in your search, Scopus interprets your search according to the order of precedence. You can also use proximity operators (pre/n, w/n) with Boolean operators.
Finds only those documents that contain all of the terms. Use AND when all the terms must appear and may be far apart from each other.
OR |
Finds documents that contain any of the terms. Use OR when at least one of the terms must appear (such as synonyms, alternate spellings, or abbreviations).
Excludes documents that include the specified term from the search. Use AND NOT to exclude specific terms. This connector must be used at the end of a search.
Note |
· If you want to search for the words or, and, or and not literally, enter them in double quotation marks: "and", "or", "and not". · If you enter more than one word or phrase in the same text box without using an operator, AND is assumed. |
Searches with multiple operators are processed in the following order:
1. OR
2. AND
After the precedence rules are applied, the search is read left to right.
All these searches... |
are processed as... |
KEY (mouse OR rat AND rodent) KEY (rodent AND rat OR mouse) KEY (rat OR mouse AND rodent) |
KEY(mouseOR rat) AND rodent |
This search... |
is processed as... |
KEY (mouse AND NOT cat OR dog) KEY (cat AND dog AND NOT rodent OR mouse) |
KEY((mouse) AND NOT (cat OR dog)) KEY((cat AND dog) AND NOT (rodent OR mouse)) |
Note |
AND NOT can give unexpected results when you have multiple operators. We recommend that you put it at the end of your searches. For example, the following searches return a large number of results: · KEY(cold) AND NOT KEY(influenza) · KEY(cold) AND NOT KEY(influenza) AND KEY(rhinovirus) · KEY(cold) AND NOT (KEY(influenza) AND KEY(rhinovirus)) To exclude influenza from your search, you should use the following search instead: KEY(cold) AND KEY(rhinovirus) AND NOT KEY(influenza) |
Scopus does not support using the operators (AND or AND NOT) as an argument to a proximity expression.
Example |
cat pre/10 (dog AND mouse) - invalid |
However, you can use the operator OR with a proximity operator.
Example |
You can search for phrases in two ways depending on how exact a match you want to find. You can find an exact phrase or a loose or approximate phrase.
To search for an exact phrase
To find documents that contain an exact phrase, including any stop words, spaces, and punctuation,
enclose the phrase in braces: {oyster toadfish}
Example |
If you enter {oyster toadfish}, the search finds only documents that contain that exact phrase. In contrast, if you enter oyster toadfish, your search interprets that as "oyster AND toadfish" and finds documents containing both terms appearing separately or together. |
Note |
· Special characters are included in the search.
· Wildcards are searched as characters.
To search for a loose or approximate phrase
To find documents where your search terms appear adjacent to each other, enclose the terms in double quotation marks: "cell behaviour".
When you use double quotation marks:
· AND is not automatically inserted between terms.
Example |
Entering "heart attack"returns different results than heart attack because the latter would be searched as heart AND attack, which would find documents that contained both words, even if they were far apart from each other. The search "heart attack" only finds documents where heart and attack are adjacent to each other. |
· Punctuation is ignored.
Example |
Entering "heart-attack" or "heart attack" returns the same results because the hyphen is ignored. |
· Wildcards are searched as wildcards.
Example |
Searching for "criminal* insan*" finds criminally insane and criminal insanity. |
· Plurals are included.
Example |
Searching for "heart attack" finds heart attack and heart attacks. |
· Double quotation marks can also be used to search specifically for stop words, special characters, or punctuation marks, which would otherwise be ignored. To search for the double quotation character itself, place a backslash before it and enclose those 2 characters in double quotation marks:
Example |
Searching for "\"" finds " |
Use wildcard characters to search for variations of a word, making your search shorter and simpler.
Note |
Only one wildcard can be included in a single term. |
Use this wildcard... |
To do this... |
Question Mark (?) |
Replace a single character anywhere in a word. Use one question mark for each character you want to replace.
Asterisk (*) |
Replace multiple characters anywhere in a word.
The asterisk replaces 0 or more characters, so it can be used to find any number or to indicate a character that may or may not be present.
Note |
Scopus finds variant spellings and matches Greek characters and their common American/British English variant spellings. |
You can search for a term in a specific field by entering the field name in your Advanced search:
field_name (search term)
Example |
· The search TITLE-ABS-KEY(prion disease) returns documents where the terms appear in the title, keywords, or abstract. · The search INDEXTERMS(prion disease)returns documents with the indexing term prion disease. |
Note |
· A limited number of field codes are available. · Enter field codes in upper or lower case. · Make sure to use the correct field code spelling, including hyphens. · Not all documents contain all fields. Searching specific fields may prevent some articles from appearing in your search results. |
@ = included in ALL fields search
Code |
Description |
Example |
ALL("heart attack") returns documents with "heart attack" in any of the fields listed. |
Abstract A summary of the document. |
ABS(dopamine)returns documents where "dopamine" is in the document abstract. |
Affiliation ID A unique identification number assigned to organizations affiliated with Scopus authors.
AF-ID(Harvard Medical School 3000604) or AF-ID(3000604) returns documents written by authors affiliated with Harvard Medical School and variants of that name stored in Scopus.
Affiliation When searching the AFFIL field, you can specify if you want all of your search terms to be found in the same affiliation. AFFIL is a combined field that searches the following author address fields: · AFFILCITY · AFFILCOUNTRY · AFFILORG.
The difference between using the field by itself and qualifying terms within subfields is that unqualified terms match against all author affiliations in a particular document and qualifying by subfields matches a specific author affiliation within the document (see example). |
To find documents where your search terms occur in the
same affiliation, use: or AFFIL(AFFILCITY(london) AFFILORG(hospital)) ·
To find documents where both terms appear in a document's
affiliation, but not necessarily in the same affiliation, use: |
Affiliation city. The city portion of an author address. |
AFFILCITY(beijing) returns documents where "beijing" is the city in the author affiliation fields, such as: Beijing Engineering Software Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100081, China |
Affiliation country. The country portion of an author address. |
AFFILCOUNTRY(japan) returns documents where "japan" is the country in the author affiliation fields, such as: Sojo University, Kumamoto 860-0082, Japan |
Affiliation organization. The organization portion of an author address. |
AFFILORG(toronto)returns documents where "toronto" is the organization in the author affiliation fields, such as: Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. M5S 3G3, Canada |
Article Number A persistent identifier for a document used by a few publishers instead of, or in addition to, page numbers. Article numbers can be assigned at the time of electronic publication, so documents can be cited and searched for earlier in the publication process. |
ARTNUM(1)returns documents with article numbers, such as: · art. no. 1 · art. no. EGT-Nr 1.096 |
Author Identifier Number A unique identification number assigned to Scopus authors. For more information, see Scopus Author Identifier.
AU-ID(Sato, A. 100038831) or AU-ID(100038831) returns documents authored by Sato, A. and variants of that name stored in Scopus. |
Author Name The name of an author. This field finds variants for a single author name.
AUTHOR-NAME is a combined field that searches the following author fields:
· AUTHLASTNAME · AUTHFIRST · AUTHSUFFIX · AUTHNAME The difference between using the field by itself and qualifying terms within subfields is that unqualified terms match against all authors of the document and qualifying by subfields matches a specific author in the document (see example).
AUTHOR-NAME(carrera, s) returns documents with "carrera in the last name and s" in the first name for a specific author, including: · Carrera, F S · Carrera, S · Carrera, S R · Carrera, Samuele · Carrera Dνaz, S · Carrera Justiz, S C · Dueρas Carrera, S · Sαnchez Carrera, S
AUTHOR-NAME(AUTHLASTNAME(carrera) AUTHFIRST(s)) is the explicit search generated by the example above. AUTHOR-NAME(carrera s), where no comma is provided, returns documents with documents where any author with the name "carrera and any author with the name s", including: · Carrera, F S · Carrera, S · Carrera, S R · Carrera, Samuele · Carrera Dνaz, S · Carrera Justiz, S C · Dueρas Carrera, S · Sαnchez Carrera, S · Thomas, S · Carrera, M · etc |
Author A combined field that searches the following author fields: · AUTHLASTNAME · AUTHFIRST |
AUTH(jr) returns documents with "jr" in the last name and first initial fields, including: · Finn Jr., C.E. · Jenkins, J.R. |
Author first initial |
AUTHFIRST(j) returns documents with "j" in the author first initial field, including: · Yu, J. · Paradi, J.C. · Handelman, C.J. · Da Costa, J.C.S |
Author last name (family name) |
AUTHLASTNAME(barney) returns documents with "barney" in the author last name field. |
Collaboration Author The name by which a group of authors is known. |
AUTHCOLLAB("alpha group") returns documents with "alpha group" in the collaboration field. |
Author Keywords. Keywords assigned to the document by the author. |
AUTHKEY(stroke)returns documents where "stroke" is an author keyword. |
CAS registry number A numeric identifier assigned to a substance when it enters the CAS registry database. |
CASREGNUMBER(1199-18-4)returns documents with "1199-18-4" in the CAS registry fields. |
Chemical A combined field that searches the CHEMNAME and CASREGNUMBER fields. |
CHEM(oxidopamine)returns documents with "oxidopamine" in the chemical name or CAS registry number fields. |
Chemical name
CHEMNAME(oxidopamine)returns documents with "oxidopamine" in the chemical name field. |
A unique, code that identifies serial and nonserial publications. |
CODEN(rnene) returns documents in the specified publication. |
Conference Information A combined field that searches information about a conference or a conference proceeding in the CONFNAME, CONFSPONSORS, and CONFLOC fields.
CONF(electrical transmission) returns documents such as: Proceedings of the Conference: Electrical Transmission in a New Age |
Conference location |
CONFLOC(Tokyo)returns documents such as: Proceedings - Seventh International Conference on High Performance Computing and Grid in Asia Pacific Region, HPCAsia 2004; Tokyo; |
Conference name |
CONFNAME(electrical transmission)returns documents such as: Proceedings of the Conference: Electrical Transmission in a New Age |
Conference sponsors |
CONFSPONSORS(IEEE)returns documents such as: · IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings · 2004 IEEE 6th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing |
Document Type Possible values for XX are:
DOCTYPE(ar)returns documents classified as articles. |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) A unique alphanumeric string created to identify a piece of intellectual property in an online environment. |
DOI(10.1007/s00202-004-0261-3)returns the document with the matching DOI. |
Editor first name (given name) |
EDFIRST(michael) returns documents with "michael" in the first name field. |
Editor A combined field that searches the following fields: EDLASTNAME and EDFIRST. |
EDITOR(smith) returns documents with "smith" in the editor last name and first initial fields. |
Editor last name (family name) |
EDITOR(smith) returns documents with "smith" in the editor last name field. |
Electronic International Standard Serial Number The ISSN of the electronic version of a serial publication. |
EISSN(0-7623-106) or (07623106) returns documents containing "0762310669" as well as any other document containing single or multiple hyphens in any possible combination within "0-7623-106". |
Exact Source Title Searches the title of the journal, book, conference proceeding, or report in which the document was published. Exact source title searches do not find variations of your search termsonly sources that contain the exact words in your search are returned. |
EXACTSRCTITLE(behavior)returns documents published in the source "Physiology and Behavior", but not documents in the source "Addictive Behaviors". |
First Author The first author listed for a document. |
FIRSTAUTH(Liming, T) returns documents with authors listed as Liming, T., Mingan, S., Jiangzhong, Y., Zhenhua, T. The search does not return a document with authors listed as Mingan, S., Jiangzhong, Y., Liming, T., Zhenhua, T., since Liming T. is not the first author in the author list. |
Funding sponsor. |
FUND-SPONSOR(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) returns documents with National Aeronautics and Space Administration mentioned as the sponsor name in the acknowledgements section of the article. |
Funding sponsor acronym. |
FUND-ACR(NASA) returns documents with NASA mentioned as the sponsor acronym in the acknowledgements section of the article. |
Funding grant number. |
FUND-NO(CDA-8619893) returns documents with CDA-8619893 mentioned as the grant number in the acknowledgements section of the article. |
Index terms. Controlled vocabulary terms assigned to the document. |
INDEXTERMS(Fluorimetric assay) returns documents where "fluorimetric assay " is an index term. |
International Standard Book Number A unique identification number assigned to all books. |
ISBN(9780123456789)returns documents containing "9780123456789" as well as any other document containing single or multiple hyphens in any possible combination within "978-0-123-45678-9". |
International Standard Serial Number A unique identification number assigned to all serial publications. |
ISSN(0959-8278) or (09598278) returns documents containing "09598278" as well as any other document containing single or multiple hyphens in any possible combination within "0959-8278". Searching on the ISSN field also searches the ISSNP and EISSN fields. |
Print International Standard Serial Number The ISSN of the print version of a serial publication. |
ISSNP(0-7623-106) or (07623106) returns documents containing "0762310669" as well as any other document containing single or multiple hyphens in any possible combination within "0-7623-106". |
Issue Identifier for a serial publication. |
ISSUE(summer)returns documents with an issue identifier of "summer". |
Keywords A combined field that searches the AUTHKEY, INDEXTERMS, TRADENAME, and CHEMNAME fields. |
KEY(oscillator)returns documents where "oscillator" is a keyword. |
Language The language in which the original document was written. |
LANGUAGE(french)returns documents originally written in French. |
MANUFACTURER(sigma)returns documents with "sigma" in the keywords fields. |
First page |
PAGEFIRST(9)returns documents with page numbers, such as: · 9 · 9-16 |
Last page |
PAGELAST(9)returns documents with page numbers, such as: · 9 · 9-16 |
Pages A combination field that searches the PAGEFIRST and PAGELAST fields. |
PAGES(1-2)returns documents with a page number range of "1-2". PAGES(9)returns documents with page numbers, such as: · 1-9 · 9 · 9-16 |
PubMed Identifier A unique identifier for all Medline documents. |
PMID(10676951)returns documents that have a PubMed Identifier of "10676951". |
Date of publication A text date field indicating the date of publication. |
PUBDATETXT(July 2004)returns documents with a publication date of "July 2004". |
Year of Publication A numeric field indicating the year of publication.
· PUBYEAR > 1994 returns documents with a publication year after 1994. · PUBYEAR < 1994 returns documents with a publication year before 1994. · PUBYEAR = 1994 returns documents with a publication year of 1994. |
References When searching the REF field, you can specify if you want all of your search terms to be found in the same reference. REF is a combined field that searches: · REFAUTH · REFTITLE · REFSRCTITLE · REFPUBYEAR · REFPAGE
To find documents where your search terms occur in the
same reference, use: ·
To find documents where both terms appear in a document's
references, but not necessarily in the same reference, use: |
Reference authors. REFAUTH is a combined field that searches: · REFAUTHLASTNAME · REFAUTHFIRST
REFAUTH(Wu)returns documents with "Wu" in their reference author fields. |
Reference title |
REFTITLE(dioxin)returns documents with "dioxin" in their reference title. |
Reference source title |
REFSRCTITLE(neuropharmacology) returns documents where "neuropharmacology" is in the source title of a reference. |
Reference year A numeric field indicating the year of publication of a document reference.
REFPUBYEAR IS 1994 returns documents with references published in 1994. |
Article Number A persistent identifier for a document used by a few publishers instead of, or in addition to, page numbers. Article numbers can be assigned at the time of electronic publication, so documents can be cited and searched for earlier in the publication process. |
REFARTNUM(1)returns documents where "1" is in the article number of a document reference, such as: · art. no. 1 · rt. no. EGT-Nr 1.096 |
Reference page numbers |
REFPAGE(75)returns documents where "75" is in the page numbering of a document reference, such as: · pp. 71-75 · 75 pp.
First Page |
REFPAGEFIRST(5)returns documents where "5" is in the page numbering of a document reference, such as: · pp. 854-879 · pp. 5-7 |
Sequence Bank The name of the sequence bank that lists a nucleotide or amino acid sequence that is defined or mentioned in a document. |
SEQBANK(GenBank)returns documents with "GenBank" in the keywords field. |
Sequence Bank Accession Number The number assigned to an amino acid or nucleotide sequence defined or mentioned in a document. |
SEQNUMBER(AB013289)returns documents with "AB013289" in the keywords field. |
Source Title The title of the journal, book, conference proceeding, or report in which the document was published. |
SRCTITLE(pacific)returns documents with "pacific" in the source title, such as: · Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health · Pacific Conservation Biology · 1989 Asia-Pacific Conference |
Source Type Possible values for XX are:
SRCTYPE(j)returns documents from journal sources. |
Subject Area Possible values for XX are:
SUBJAREA(CHEM)returns documents classified under the subject area Chemistry. |
Article Title The title of an article. |
TITLE("neuropsychological evidence") returns documents with the phrase "neuropsychological evidence" in their title. |
A combined field that searches abstracts, keywords, and article titles. |
TITLE-ABS-KEY("heart attack") returns documents with "heart attack" in their abstracts, article titles, or keyword fields. |
A combined field that searches abstracts, article titles, keywords, and author names. |
TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH(heart attack)returns documents with "heart attack" in their abstracts, article titles, keywords, or author name fields.
A name used to identify a commercial product or service. |
TRADENAME(morbilvax) returns documents with "morbilvax" in the keywords fields. |
Volume Identifier for a serial publication. |
VOLUME(34) returns documents with a volume number of 34.
The URL of a website cited in the reference. |
WEBSITE ( finds documents with this URL in the references. |
The list of search fields, with examples, can also be accessed through the following link: