Release Notes: 2015-03-31

Abstract Citation Count API


·         Updated ‘Scopus’ watermark logo for image-based citation counts.

Big Fix:

·         Fixed an issue where any scopus_id used resulted in a “not_found” response for metadata (i.e. textual) requests.

Article Retrieval API


·         Support for new CrossRef header ‘CR-Clickthrough-Client-Token’ as a way of passing prospect tokens.

·         Support for new Dublin Core and PRISM metadata elements, including:

o   dc:format (contains response mime type, ex. ‘text/xml’)

o   dcterms:subject (contains author keywords)

o   prism:publisher (contains portion of copyright)

o   dcterms:isPartOf (contains urn for isbn for nonserial)

o   prism:number (contains issue number or range)

o   prism:issueName (contains special issue titles)

o   prism:pageRange (contains start and, if available, end page range)

Scopus Search API



·         Beta:

o   Can be accessed by sending the query string parameter ‘useRetrieval=true’ OR sending a resource version of ‘new’ (i.e. query string parameter ‘ver=new’ or HTTP header ‘X-ELS-ResourceVersion: new’).

o   Optimized response performance for search requests, particularly for those returning element in the COMPLETE view. Responses now include only the data available in the abstract document itself, which may result in a loss of detailed elements, primarily those associated with AUTHORS and AFFILIATIONS.